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Clamour and stir around Servlet 3.0 Draft

So, Servlet 3.0 Specification (JSR-315) is now being in discussion topic. It appears different people feel different about the spec proposal, but the majority of them agree in one point - 3.0 spec should be more strong-type centric and much more annotation agnostic/less centric.

What brought me in this discussion and based on that I am making assumptions about people attitude? Great article about spec draft version appeared on my RSS feed and a lot of people took a word in discussion and different points of view appeared on the horizon.

What’s in the end? What the conclusion to make? The silent thoughts in my heads:

  • JSR has become more public stuff than ever. People are wrapping their heads around the proposals and try to give fair run/evaluation of it.
  • In spite of the growing Dynamic Language community - it crowd :) doesn’t like the idea of loosing strong typing benefits and refactoring possibilities.
  • No one likes the idea of looking in two places (web.xml and POJOS) instead of just one.

    Imagine the situation Your application is built on top of the N jars. Each of them could contain annotations like that @Servlet etc. And some of them might be stacks You are highly dependent off - like Axis or smth. What It would be like. I suppose - It would be not as easy to switch @Servlet annotation auto discovery for pattern1.jar libraries and to switch it on for the another pattern2.jar.

    Another question - would it resolve all the annotation in all the libraries I will deploy in WEB-INF/lib? If so - I do know exactly how they imagine that. Personally I don’t know all the internals of all the ten/tons of the libraries I add to the classpath or are added through framework I use (for example Seam/Wicket..) - So, how would I control any memory/security flaws if any?

  • People try to use it. It’s wonderful. Because inconsistencies are found and they could be worked through if community will insist on it. (See article - @Servlet and @Filter inconsistence sample)

My personal opinion on JSR:

  • Cometd support is MUST HAVE. Yes, Jetty and friends have built-in support, but all we java developers like standardized way to do things (things must be done right in order not to rewrite the entire solution from time to time - just to deploy on another AS/hosting service. So, it’s GREAT things like this are coming into Servlets API, allowing to get benefits and efficiency of the WEB2.0 in the “standard” way.
  • Registering servlets via annotations not with verbose XML - could be nice feature for testing purposes. Personally I don’t like the idea of maintaining one more web.xml or smth just for running my unit-test-cycle. At the same time - it could be enchantment to make some embedded lightweight clean solution to serve some javadoc or smth with 2/3 java classes and without any web.xml required. But - it isn’t EE anyway.
  • Servlet/Filter mappings etc voa annotations - is a feature nice to have without any extra complaining (if mapping parameters could be mapped in the verbose xml file)
  • Lack of Strong typing or forcing it - is BAD BAD BAD. Nothing will be automatically checked in compile/development time (intellectual IDEs aren’t the solution, they are work around. And.. No all the developers have them as well on all the target/host/dev environment). I believe - things like @Get should be removed from draft (or explicitly explained - why so and and why this way. Possible answer could be - to make integration with Dynamical Language stack a little bit easier. But - it’s not worth to make life for the ordinary JEE much more harder).

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