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SSL through MSCAPI nightmare

Hi everybody, Have everyone of you worked with SSL? It’s really nightmare I tell you. Java+SSL stack (JKS and more and more abbreviations) seemed fine to me until our customer proposed the Windows user native keystore usage.

The UC (use-case) outline summary:

  • Users authenticates in Windows environment using some sort of the SSO software installed onto client’s machine.
  • SSO puts it’s certificate into Windows-MY keystore (CAPI).
  • We provide some sort of service, which needs to access some data onto network using those authentication and authorization data (through HTTPS/SSL).

Problem description:

Yep, we could use MSCAPI provider bundled with Jre1.6+. But in real case it doesn’t work. For some strange reasons Sun’s MSCAPI provider does not allow HTTPS through SSL. For more deatiled information please visit: The same issues is discussed at the:

So, the straightforward solution: JKS framework + HTTPS - doesn’t really work. Some other possible solutions could be: some 3rd papty JKS provider usage. For some strange reasons they all are not Open Source and Free/Beer-ware :) and they do not work either:

Solutions proved to work well:

  • We could export MS CAPI My-Keystore certificates using MMC interface or through IE explorer /Tools/ Content / Certificates interface:

At the image (img. 1.) we could clearly see the certificate beuing imported into My-keystore by SSO software. By initiating export operation we could access the certificate chain + private key in the underlaying .PFX format. After that we could just to use standard JKS stack to authenticate and authorize using HTTPS over SSL. But. Problem still remains: how to do this authomativally from JAVA side? The solutions I have think out and developed is: some JNI code to export certificate to local file system. So:

Conclusion, Java Part

The part of our projet’s semi-“official” wiki page:

All the logics and the functioality maximally is implemented onto JAVA side; among another things - listener cycle logics and so on. The only thing being implemented onto the JNI part is WinAPI32 calls + a few functions to allocate/free/write to memory.

  • JAVA side uses JNI’s provided calls to WinAPI to load and export all the certificates + their private keys to local temporaly files (with strong random password protection.)
  • Then those files are loaded into memory and gets removed.
  • SSL context is initialized from the memory.
  • A change listener is attached to the MsCAPI keystore. Then the Windows-MY keystore is changed (the certificate is added or loaded), a change event occurs and the overall SSL context state is reloaded and initialized again, resulting in completely new WS-SSO state.

NB. If you've found typos or errors, please suggest a correction or edit on github.
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