Browser Ajax crossdomain issue - Python twisted reverse proxy to rescue.
11 Jul 2012 Tags:python
It is big day today. It’s first time python came in handy in my day-to-day job ;) Ok, ok, there might have been 5ek other ways to nail that, but it felt so good then need for ‘learn-some-stuff-in-your-spare-time’ emerged.
Brief intro
The colleague of mine is developing html5-mobile application. He wanted to test/troubleshoot it on his Mac while developing (w/o need to perform the whole build->package->deploy to mobile/emulator
cycle). So, he started with some simple html page and certain amount of jQuery ajax. The problem occurred immediately: Ajax crossdomain issue.
His setup:
- browser: Safari
- html url:
- service url:
It is impossible to understand why, but for some reason I’m considered to be all-knowing-ajax-javascript guy in the company :D (According to Dmitry Baranovskiy I suck. Nevertheless colleague asked for help.
As always, google + stackoverflow pointed out the simplest solution.
As we all (or some) know, Mac already comes with python and ruby. So, I decided the simplest way to go would be some sort of python or ruby reverse-proxy script (other straightforward solution would be apache + mod_proxy).
Stackoverflow pointed me out twisted toolkit. Few minutes spent with twisted-web sample page and the following script has born (PS> as it turned out - Mac already comes with twisted toolkit shipped).
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.web import static, proxy, server
path = "/Users/xxx/yyy/www" # path to static resources (html, js etc..)
root = static.File(path) # will be served under '/'
# reverse proxy, served under '/svc'
# -> becomes http://localhost/svc/service1/v1/JsonService
root.putChild('svc', proxy.ReverseProxyResource('', 80, ''))
# the magic
site = server.Site(root)
reactor.listenTCP(8080, site)
Vuala part
Vuala, problem solved. Python you rock!
NB. If you've found typos or errors, please suggest a correction or edit on github.