Coding paradigm: line by line all my opinions are belong to me

I enjoy coding and strive to create elegant, user-friendly solutions that are both simple and impactful.

I live and work in Riga, Latvia and spend my days making kick ass things.

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Atlassian Plugin SDK - how to provide optional selenium tests

You probably are familiar with one of the most popular web UI testing tool - Selenium and it’s most famous tool Selenium IDE.

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Sorry for not embedding all the code in the article. That way the article becomes clumsy unreadable monster. If anyone could recommend me some collapsable/expandable solution - I would appreciate it a lot.
Why do I need to bother with yet-another-testing-tool? The main advantages or features of the tools are (imo):
  • real UI behavior testing - tests are run inside the real browser and will fire/use real end-user key, mouse, etc events
  • ability to export the test in whole bunch of programming languages (java, python, ruby etc ...)
  • ability to run tests on multiple target web-drivers (firefox, internet explorer, etc ..)
  • Selenium IDE (mentioned earlier) is really nice tool which allows to create simple tests cases very fast, in few minutes or even seconds, literally
  • basically the only way to automate difficult Ajax/RIA component testing on different target environments; other httpUnit like approaches are not good enough
How could I automate that? Selenium has child project - Selenium Remote Control which could be used. Quote and image from Selenium Remote Control site:
Selenium RC comes in two parts.
  1. A server which automatically launches and kills browsers, and acts as a HTTP proxy for web requests from them.
  2. Client libraries for your favorite computer language.
Lucky to us, selenium has maven artifacts available to be used to plug-in into Atlassian PDK build procedure. Goals:
  1. make this optional (enabled by default) option
  2. selenium-rc server side should be forked before integration tests will be executed
  3. selenium-rc client side tests should be executed as part of the integration test suite
  4. selenium-rc should be revoked upon integration-test completion
  1. is achieved by default maven profile (activated by !property)
  2. is achieved by maven - specifying selenium-rc start-server goal to be run on pre-integration-test phase
  3. to achieve this please refer to Atlassian article - Writing Integration Tests. Basically that means - you should put your code inside src/test/java/it/ folder and specifying proper file.
  4. is achieved by maven - specifying that selenium-rc stop-server goal should be executed on post-integration-test phase.
To get pom.xml file snippet - see this pom.xml gist How to check: execute atlas-integration-test command from the project home folder.
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HowTo: Reusing JIRA gadgets on the issue operations

Hi everybody,

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